I do not think that the in the eBay corporation the right hand knows what the left is doing. I was no longer allowed to sell at auction and all 600+ of my listings, a few at auction and most in my store were ended.
I was told this was due to what they determined were shill bidding seen with a second account. First let me say that there was no shill bidding going on. Why would I hurt my account when I do not list very much at auction anyway. That is neither here nor there. I had to do an on line tutorial and was not allowed to list at auction for 14 days. I did not really care since I list very little at auction anyway. But I was upset that all my store items were closed and I had to pay listing fees a second time to get them back up.
Next I found that I was not able to find any of my items and would have to rescan hundreds of photos and do all the work of listing each one over. This got me a bit upset and I went ahead and phoned them. I got an apology and my items were put back up so I could get the photos and info. Two weeks went by and during that time I got a phone call from eBay telling me about a new pricing thing they are doing and that it would benefit a seller like me. I looked it over and found that it just might so I signed up for it, it will be costing me nearly $50 a month instead of the $16 I am now paying for my store. I then got a form in the mail with a certificate welcoming me to the Power Seller program which was nice. I really never saw a reason to be in this program but now that I am a Top Rated Seller it allows me to remain so and get a percentage off my final value fees which is one of the things that made signing up for the new pricing program worth while. A day after I got the certificate in the mail I got an email telling me that I have been removed from the Power Seller Program and that is required for me to keep my Top Rated Seller badge. Now I don't know if anyone at eBay has a clue what is going on. I sure don't and I do not like the headaches this is causing me. I wish that they would get back to me and let me know if this is going to be fixed.
An upset 10 year ebayer
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