I just did not understand how using Twitter was of any use to me. I have no friends or family that I contact online and it just seemed so random. Sending out Twits to God knows who. What made a difference was the installation of TweetDeck. The neatest part of this is that you can send out your tweet to multiple places which saves the headache of opening and signing in to anything you might have. It makes having a MySpace account, a Facebook account and separate Twitter accounts worth having. Like I said I do not have anyone to send personal stuff to and sending out things about myself seemed silly. Now I am actually hoping to create a network of some kind.
I love setting up the pages and making them my own with neat backgrounds and colors making Facebook a bit of a disappointment. There are no options to let you customize your space. My favorite place to do these set ups is at Zazzle. I have actually opened over 12 store fronts.
I was starting an adventure with my first store. I had recently fell in love with designing fractal's and putting them up on Deviant Art was nice but why not try and make some $$. My gallery at DA
My first store took a bit of thinking about - I wanted it to have the perfect name and all. When I signed up it was late at night and I was tiered. I wanted to use my eBay ID to keep things straight for myself because after a couple years I accumulated quite a few ID's and passwords making life a living hell at times. When I signed up for my account I typed the name in wrong and instead of kashmier like at my eBay store "All Vintage Photographs" I now have kahmier. I figured I would adjust it later but you can not change you ID because that is what they use to name your URL so I just became used to kahmier.
I picked the original ID used on eBay "kashmier" because my favorite band/group is Led Zeppelin. It was hard getting an ID that wasn't used 10 years ago, today you have to pretty much take the closest you can get. Although I signed up for a Yahoo email account the other night and I just used what I was thinking wantaburger and it was good. :)
I chose the name Inspired Ambitions for my site, below is a screen shot of the main page. I still work on it but not near as much as I used to.
Then as the holidays started to approach I started putting together things that were just for the holiday and I was getting very unorganized in my store. I then decided to open up what I like to call a "Sister Store". I believe the first one was "HalloweenStuff"
The fee for setting up a store is $0.00 so you can see how easily tempted to set up multiple shops one can be. I had started my first store on Cafepress . They charge a monthly fee for a shop that keeps more than one design and I did not know if I was going to make enough to cover it and ended up closing it.
With Christmas on the horizon I decided to open a shop for my Christmas items and ended up with

After this Zazzle introduces a new product that I just had to try to design and I loved it. That is how the next shop was started.

I was making bridal stuff and again my main shop was getting too big so I opened another.
There are still more to be added along with some story on how they came about. Stop by anyone of the shops and I am sure you will locate something you like. If you start out at Inspired Ambitions you can get to any of the other stores from there.
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